October 20, 2010

Mumm's The Word!

Here we are 11 days before Halloween. Customers are starting to pour into the store ordering their monster cupcakes for next week. I have a feeling things are going to get crazy - but that's what I get for building such a cute display!

What would Halloween be without the classic mummy? Monster No. 3 is my MUMMY! Adorable, cute and easy to make!

These are the tips I used: No. 3 and a basketweave tip.

Start off with a plain white iced cupcake. I spread some black icing in the middle just so there was some color behind the eyes.

I made the eyes from fondant, just some rounds that I sprayed golden yellow. You could also use plain icing for this. I think they look nicer when  you make them different sizes.

Next I used the basketweave tip. Just start making strips going around the eye section so the area around the eyes is taken care of first. You could also use the other side of the basketweave tip that has the lines running thru it.

Continue to go around and around until you get the look you like. I put 3 layers of icing strips around the eyes to get this look.

Next is tip No. 3 - put two rounds of black for pupils on the yellow eyes. You could also use neon green, orange or purple for the eyes instead of yellow.

Whoa-la! There you have it. One cute, adorable mummy! Hope your having fun giving these a whirl!

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