October 19, 2010

Decorating Monster No. 2

What's not to LOVE about Halloween? Dressing up, all the ghouly stuff and of course, CANDY! Not to mention Martha Stewart's Halloween Special!

Cupcake Monster No. 2 is "X-man". He's very simple and easy to decorate. Try different colors too!

These are the tips I used:  No. 3 and No. 7 - that's it!

Start off with plain white icing on the cupcake - make it as smooth as possible on the top.

How did I do that? Glad you asked! These are my two favorite tools: a small off-set spatula, and

a small, high-density foam roller from the hardware store. Yes, the same small roller you use to paint your wall! Let your icing set and roll it smooth - it works like a charm! Be sure to use a VERY gentle touch.

Next, use your yellow icing and tip no. 7 and squeeze a round for his eye.

Then another No. 7 tip and a black round for the other eye. Next is a No. 3 with black icing for the pupil on the yellow eye and his mouth.

Nothing to it! Cupcake decorating is great fun - try some today! Hope you enjoyed Monster No. 2!!!

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