November 24, 2010

Turkey No. 2

Here's Turkey No. 2. He's very quick and easy to make.

Start off with your cupcake. Ice it white and roll it smooth. I sprayed it with ivory shimmer airbrush. Be sure to let the airbrush dry before you continue to decorate! Or....

Your icing will slide around, just like this. Thank you for noticing
I messed up! ha!ha!
Use a #3 round tip and orange icing. Draw on the five tail feathers.

Then with a #7 round tip and chocolate icing, Pipe a large round for the body and a smaller one for the head.

Lastly, with a #3 tip and dark green icing, pipe a zig-zag under the turkey for grass and put on a few sprinkles.

That's it! Quick and easy-give them a whirl!

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